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Birthday : September 18, 1965

Nationality : Dutch

Civil status : Married, 2 children, Permanent Luxembourg resident.


Paul Lamberts is a confident, articulate and driven individual who enjoys challenge. He combines a strong intellect with sound analytical and commercial abilities. He was employed in senior management functions within companies operating in the Netherlands and Luxembourg, providing management services to international corporate groups and investment funds.

In the course of his career Mr. Lamberts has served as member of the board of directors of companies and regulated funds  collecting funds in various assets like shares (participations), securities and real estate/infrastructure, respecting various levels of risk diversification.

Mr. Lamberts has over 25 years of experience in international mergers and acquisitions, group restructuring and corporate finance. He has a master’s degree in tax laws from the reputed Tilburg University (the Netherlands). In 2014 he was admitted to Harvard University as Graduate in Finance. He is Ph.D. candidate in international tax treaty law at the University of Maastricht (NL).

He is accredited by the CSSF as Fund Director and by the State of  Luxembourg as Economic Advisor and he is Member of the Luxembourg Institute of Directors since 2010.

Related matters

  • Mr. Lamberts is fluent in English, Dutch, German and French
  • Mr. Lamberts holds a Master’s degree in tax laws in the Netherlands and is Ph.D. candidate, researching multilateral instruments.
  • He has an excellent network with the major law and audit firms
  • He has extensive experience with various business lines such as Real Estate, Private Equity
  • He is accredited by the CSSF as fund director and is licensed by the Luxembourg State as Conseiller économique (Economic Advisor)
  • He is Member of the Luxembourg Institute of Directors (ILA)
  • He is Member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA)
  • He is Member of the International Bar Association (IBA)
  • A more detailed CV  as pdf can be provided upon request